Why you might ask, We’ll put the house on the market next spring, and if it sells next year we will move into the RV. So would I be a full-timer???? I will still be a few months away from retirement.
The tough part is that we may
spend a winter in the Suite P. The wife hasn’t warmed up to the idea just yet, but I’m working on her……..
There are a few options here in the Indianapolis area so it can be done. I like Lake Haven on the Southside and its only about 5 miles from the plant. I have reminded her that the Mobile Suites is a four season 5’ver. But as of this writing she isn’t biting………………………………I still have some time…..
Here’s looking at you kid…………………….
I would put the house on the market as soon as you can. It may take some time to sell, but if it sells before you are done working, you can always rent an apartment.
I think I'm with your wife on that one. Winter in Indianapolis in the fiver doesn't appeal to me.
Yes, you'd be a fulltimer as far as I'm concerned.
Merikay's idea of renting seems like the ticket to me. :)
Come on ladies don't gang up on me... :)
Don..my vote would be to put the house up for sale..if it sells rent an apartment until the weather improves..and then park the fiver in a campground near your new 'home' and enjoy!..nice to see the other 'golden Tucker'!!
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