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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Old Blue is on the Block

Our family van is on the block.  Its taken care us for the last 5 years but it can't go where we're going.  It surely will make a new family happy.  She's a good truck and its on our sell list.  Lets see how long it takes to sell her.

Next is the neighbor hood garage sale.  I'll be busy this week end bring out tables for the better half to get ready.  We'll probably have one in the spring too, before we have the "Everything Must Go Sale" after the house gets sold.  Lots to do.  Time is getting short.

Here's lookin' at you kid..............................................

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hurricane Irene hits the East Coast

Hurricane Irene has landed in the New England area, wind and water at break neck speed.  These conditions are not compatible to the RV world.  But when your home is on wheels you just load up and move.  I follow many blogs out there and I know there are a few that are in the storms path.  Stay safe my friends........................

Yesterday we made a little more progress toward launch day.  Gayle has been attacking the attic.  We moved all the trophies out and Bobbi-Leigh came over and took the tags off.  A lifetime of softball tournies all over the USA.  It was fun to see these beautiful trophies that our teams won over the years.  Travel ball and high school ball has been fun, have devloped some great friendships and we have seen a lot of country because of this great sport.

We are making progress

Here's lookin at you kid....

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Stuff Stuff Stuff

Looking at the whole picture of getting ready to head out is over whelming.  I have to take it one day at a time.  There is so much to do to get ready that I'm wondering if we have enough time to get it all done.  I seen this picture before, many fellow RV'er have traveled this path as they began their journey.  Get rid of Stuff.  There is stuff everywhere.  Stuff in the garage, stuff in the add a room, stuff in the attic.  Stuff, stuff, stuff.......where did we get all this stuff.  Some stuff is going to the kids, some stuff is going in the garage sale, and more stuff is just plain being thrown out.  Sell the van, sell the house, sell some stuff.  If the stuff don't go in the RV then the stuff is sold, given away, or thrown out!!!!

But I love my Stuff.......................................................

Here's lookin at you kid.............

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sitting in the back yard, wishin'

We are slowly getting the house ready to sell.  Though we won't put it up till March, I can't wait to get out there.  This morning I was watching the garden and all the birds and bugs that visit.  We have lived here along time and I'll miss these mornings, but this house will make another family a good home.  I feel we will leave it knowing its a great place to raise a family, we raised ours here......................................